Industrial real estate for sale Pointe-Claire


Putting commercial, residential, or Industrial real estate for sale Pointe-Claire

Non-Canadians who sell Canadian real estate face a 50% withholding tax. Those who make a profit from their investments must notify the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). A foreign tax credit can be claimed if the gain was taxed in Canada. CRA clearance certificates are required for non-residents selling Canadian property. With no proof of residency, a buyer could be held accountable for any unpaid taxes by the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA).

If the home is your principal residence and you're a Canadian resident, you won't be subject to capital gains tax. It doesn't matter where you live, as long as it's where you spend most of your time. 3 For those who prefer a cottage or mobile home, this is an option. Each family is allowed to have only one principal residence at a time. Consequences follow from this need. As a result, you must decide which of your properties to categorize as your primary residence based on the number of capital gains. You may also consult with specific brokers in areas such as Montreal commercial real estate brokers.


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