How to Choose the Right Real Estate Broker


Buying or selling a property is an exciting yet tedious task. There is a lot involved in the process and due to that hiring a real estate broker in Montreal becomes mandatory. If you want to strike the best deal, here are some tips that will help you choose the best realtor!


Use Your Contacts

A known devil is better than an unknown angel. Keeping this in mind, it is better to ask your friends and family for contact details of real estate agencies in Montreal, Quebec. This is a good option as you will get to know about tried and tested realtors.

Ensure That the Broker Aligns With Your Goals

Some brokers might have experience in dealing with properties in a certain area of the city. In that case, ensure that you hire the right real estate broker in Montreal. He should be someone who has enough experience in the neighborhoods you are interested in. Apart from that, a few brokers work part time and some work full time. If you want to buy or sell a property instantly, then this is something you must consider. Your realtor must have enough time on hand to help you fast enough.

Interview the Broker

When you don't buy anything without doing a thorough research, why would you hire a real estate agent without meeting them and asking them the necessary questions. When you interview your broker, ask them about their specialties , experience and knowledge about transactions. If  you are selling, ask for their honest opinion about the deal you are offering and if you need to make any changes to your house before your listing goes live.

Once you find the answers from the agents satisfactory, you can go ahead and hire them. Always be wary of a real estate agent who over promises and sounds unrealistic. Instead, appreciate people who are straightforward and tell you things bluntly.

Do the Necessary Checks

We are sure that your state has a real estate regulations website where you can check your agent’s license. You will also be able to see if the agency has any complaints registered on their names. This check is important when you choose a real estate broker in Montreal. You should also get a background check done and ask about how long the agency has been serving in Montreal. This is important to know the credibility of your real estate agency in Montreal, Quebec. If your agent is good, they will later be able to answer questions such as how many people have enquired about your property and how many out of these were the serious ones. Along with this, he will also be able to tell you about the other  listings in your neighborhood and the price quoted by them.


Low Price is Not Always the Best Price

It is obvious that home sellers in Montreal, Quebec want to get the lowest priced deal on everything. Usually, a  real estate broker earns at least 3% as commission which amounts to a couple of thousand dollars. However, these days  the market also has slashed rate or flat rate agents. Its better not to fall into such traps as the service may also be as low as their rates are! The best brokers in Montreal have the capability to sell your houses at higher amounts and twice as much faster. Therefore, hiring someone who is charging a much lower fee will not help sometimes.

Overall, it is better to avoid these slashed fee agents as you might not get you a good deal. 

Quick Response

One of the main things to look for in a realtor is their response time. Research thoroughly if the responsiveness of the realtor is good. It is advisable to check if they respond to calls and emails in time. Real estate is a time based industry. If you do not make the right offer at the right time, you can miss out on that house which could have been perfect for you. And, if your realtor is not responsive enough, you could end up losing out on the best deals!

If you want to make your home buying or selling experience smooth it is important that you follow all the above mentioned steps and choose the best real estate agency in Montreal, Quebec.


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